Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

because you ...

Right now I can accept it all, I'm willing to see him happy, my friend who had been believed.
Sad to see him, I was sad, but I'm trying to brave in my life.
I have my own way, although I have not found at this time.
He was silent when we see each other's eyes, made ​​me take it hurt because hates.
He smiled when in front of people, and it's getting me hurt with his lies.
Currently he is only able to hide his feelings alone.
Throw away our memories over the years.
And he was able to make me fell down in a cage that is difficult for my release.
But, I always wish there was a way out between our problem.
I miss my dear friend, who lost everything to me it is worth it.
Pain when the feeling, but I was only able to cover all the pain.
Until now, a person can sustain me from behind and made ​​up of all this.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

thank's to ALLAH.

terimakasih buat ALLAH.
kau telah memberikan semua .
kesedihan, kebahagiaan, serta keinginanku.
walau aku tahu itu tak lebih dari cukup.
tapi yang ku butuhkan saat ini, kesucian hati yang tulus.
kepedulian seseorang terhadap ku , apa kau bisa mendengar jeritan hatiku saat aku membutuhkanmu ?
memberikan arti kasihmu terhadapku .
aku tahu mungkin harapan ku sia-sia, tapi aku tak peduli.
aku tau kau akan memberitahuku suatu saat nanti, dan bukan saat ini.
dengan caramu sendiri.

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

This loving feeling

you know what love is?
What do you know your partner's sincerity?
I always think to find out, look for the entrance slit.
a drop of morning dew soaks my hair, telling the way of my life, made ​​me answer all the questions I ask myself.
I understand what love is, love is a sincerity, love do not see anything, as difficult as any trial that occurred, that love will continue to defend it.
but I'm confused with sincerity, because each person is different, everyone has their own way, can see the 'good' and 'bad' partner.
I was trying to understand the sincerity of people who I love,
if he loves me?
whether he is willing to sacrifice herself for me, including death for me, maybe?
I know it's overkill but I need them all,
more than mere affection.
Because I sure love the pure of heart is Certainly there.
although deep in my heart, I'm sure one day I'll find my way
who had been looking for ..

trying to understand this self

I always think, is it appropriate for me to be in this position today.
I confuse myself as a selfish, to make someone hurt.
sorry if I hurt you this time, make you like this, away from you without cause.
but I have always been difficult to mngucap said sorry, because I was really selfish.
but I want to change not just for you, but for myself, so that no one else was hurt, nothing else is disappointed over the words that I utter.
because once again sorry to embarrass you, make you more and more burdened by my attitude, I just wanted to get my rights, being someone who can be proud of, could have lot of people that love to me, though in a way that is selfish, and self-serving

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Tiada mutiara sebening cinta..
Tiada sutra sehalus kasih sayang..
Tiada embun sesuci ketulusan hati..
Dan tiada hubungan seindah persahabatan..
Sahabat bukan

MATEMATIKA yang dapat dihitung nilainya..
EKONOMI yang mengharapkan materi..
PPKN yang dituntut oleh undang-undang..

Dan seorang remaja berkata,
Bicaralah pada kami tentang Persahabatan.
Dan dia menjawab:
Sahabat adalah keperluan jiwa, yang mesti dipenuhi.
Dialah ladang hati,
yang kau taburi dengan kasih dan kau tuai dengan penuh rasa terima kasih.
Dan dia pulalah naungan dan pendianganmu.
Kerana kau menghampirinya saat hati lupa dan mencarinya saat jiwa mahu kedamaian.

Bila dia berbicara, mengungkapkan fikirannya,
kau tiada takut membisikkan kata "Tidak"
di kalbumu sendiri, pun tiada kau menyembunyikan kata "Ya".

Dan bilamana dia diam,hatimu berhenti dari mendengar hatinya;
kerana tanpa ungkapan kata, dalam persahabatan,
segala fikiran, hasrat, dan keinginan dilahirkan bersama dan dikongsi,
dengan kegembiraan tiada terkirakan.

Di kala berpisah dengan sahabat, tiadalah kau berdukacita;

Kerana yang paling kau kasihi dalam dirinya,
mungkin kau nampak lebih jelas dalam ketiadaannya,
bagai sebuah gunung bagi seorang pendaki,
nampak lebih agung daripada tanah ngarai dataran.

Dan tiada maksud lain dari persahabatan kecuali saling memperkaya roh kejiwaan.

Kerana cinta yang mencari sesuatu di luar jangkauan misterinya,
bukanlah cinta,
tetapi sebuah jala yang ditebarkan: hanya menangkap yang tiada diharapkan.

Dan persembahkanlah yang terindah bagi sahabatmu.
Jika dia harus tahu musim surutmu, biarlah dia mengenali pula musim pasangmu.
Gerangan apa sahabat itu jika kau sentiasa mencarinya, untuk sekadar bersama dalam membunuh waktu?

Carilah ia untuk bersama menghidupkan sang waktu!
Kerana dialah yang bisa mengisi kekuranganmu, bukan mengisi kekosonganmu.
Dan dalam manisnya persahabatan,
biarkanlah ada tawa ria dan berkongsi kegembiraan..
Karena dalam titisan kecil embun pagi,
hati manusia menemui fajar dan ghairah segar kehidupan.

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

i'm sorry , I do not want to hate you

I can not give us a real feeling to know you.
maybe I'm a coward, but that does not mean I give in to someone I love.
I realize you do not deserve him for myself, but I also could not continue this lie and hurt.
despite my sore that sense, pain is my pain, maybe this is better I think did not exist. I'd better forget you, forget all this love.
thanks for the love and attention you gave me all this time.
thanks also for our confidence to break up, I hope you are happy with a decent woman and can listen to all your grievances so far. "
sorry maybe I can only say you deserved, but really I still love you, even though my words can not say anymore, for the last, really thanks, I know your love for me was very sincere. ^.^